Monday, 14 November 2011

Publication Plan

Publication Plan

Title:  Independence
Positioning statement: Hear The Music That Hides Inside

Frequency of publication: Monthly

Price: £3

Distribution: Newsagents, supermarkets, Indie shops

Rationale: This music magazine will include anything and everything to with Indie magazines. Including new Indie bands and new Indies CD’s and singles. This will be an inside look at the Indie music industry for any Indie fans that may be interested to see what’s going on in the world of music. We will include interviews and reviews from the artist’s point of view.

Style: Will be very almost tongue in cheek humour. Will try and catch the personality of the readers and use it to interest them but still able to inform the audience about certain things. Will use slang to appeal to the audience more and catch their attention. Not very serious, very short paragraphs so it’s not too much to read.

Regular content:
Editor’s letter

Fan’s Letters and drawings

New Album reviews

New kids on the block- New bands in the Indie music industry

The Indie quiz (will ask different bands to answer the questions each monthly issue)

From the horse’s mouth: Where a band will discuss what they think about a certain new band

Reviews of bands

Gig guide

Adds for Indie clothing sites

Tweet of the week:

Mumford knows best: Marcus Mumford from Mumford will answer your problems

Eagle eye: Celebrity fails of the month

Feature articles:

The All American Rejects on their new album and their dirty little secrets

All time low on breaking the music industry

Interview with Mumford and Sons

Dinnertime with you me at six

What not to do if you run into the arctic monkeys

Counting birds with the Counting Crows

Line up with the Killers

Adopt a panda with Tyson Ritter

Kids in glass houses explore our greenhouse

Exclusive pictures and interviews behind the scenes at Leeds and Reading

Face down with the Red Jumpsuit Apparatus

Article on becoming an Indie star

Indie Style guide

T-Shirt shopping with the Plain White T’s

An All exclusive look at this year’s Glastonbury Line up

Saving the rain forest with celebrities

Don’t hate on Haiti

Florence and the Machine help us to shake it out

Hayley Williams tells us which hair style is hot

House Style

Cover lines: Rockwell extra bold

Headlines:   Arial Black

Stand first: Arial Black 13pt

Captions: Arial Black 9pt

Features first paragraph: Drop capital Rockwell extra bold 6 lines deep, and first two words in capitals

News first paragraph: First two words in capitals

Body text: Batang

Colour scheme:  Blue, Purple, Black, Red

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